
Support Groups

Parkinson’s Support Groups are all over Queensland.

Parkinson’s is full of challenges

Living with Parkinson’s disease or caring for someone with Parkinson’s is full of challenges, but you don’t have to feel alone. Parkinson’s Queensland currently operates 33 support groups throughout metropolitan and rural Queensland. A support group is an informal gathering of people who share similar experiences, situations or problems. Parkinson’s Queensland support groups offer members a chance to meet and talk with others while offering each other emotional and practical support. Besides helping you realise you are not alone, a support group gives you a chance to share your feelings and hear the experiences of others. Meetings are informal and friendly, and new members are always welcome. Parkinson’s disease support groups are ideal for people living with Parkinson’s disease, their carers, friends and family members. Support groups encourage the growth of knowledge. By knowing more about Parkinson’s disease through the experience of others, and through professional resources, you will discover new ways of dealing with your own symptoms and challenges. Support groups can help you renew your sense of hope in dealing with changes to your lifestyle, and offer you the chance to make new friends.

Support Group Map

Support Group and Program Feedback Survey

Parkinson’s Queensland is currently looking to start a Carer’s Support Group and a Support Group dedicated to those with Young Onset Parkinson’s. 

We’d love feedback on:

  • What you’d like these Support Groups to look like?
  • What information you’d like presented as part of these groups
  • Feedback on how best to support people with Young Onset Parkinson’s and Carers. 
  • Expressions of Interests from those who would be keen to facilitate these groups in conjunction with Parkinson’s Queensland. 

Support Group Survey

Support Group meetings typically involve:

• Group discussions and sharing experiences, information, practical tips and advice on living with Parkinson’s disease
• Visits from the Parkinson’s Queensland staff members
• Social activities
• Guest speakers who are invited to meetings to discuss topical and relevant subjects. These may include occupational therapists, social workers and doctors
• Parkinson’s Queensland support groups also have a range of support and information resources for use by members.

Parkinson’s Queensland support groups use a self‐help model and are not therapy groups. Our support groups are coordinated by volunteers who may also be a health professional from your local area, a person living with Parkinson’s disease or a carer. Support groups appeal to a range of people for a variety of reasons. Some members like to be very active and involved in the planning of meetings and activities, other members prefer to simply enjoy the company. Support groups vary in their dynamics, from the number of members, to the age and interests of the individuals. When you join a Support Group meeting, you may meet people who have had Parkinson’s a lot longer than you. You’ll definitely meet people who have had different experiences to yours. Don’t be afraid. No two people with Parkinson’s are ever the same and it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is unique.

To find out where your nearest Parkinson’s QLD Support Group is, please see the Support Group Map (which shows the geographical location of the group) for all our groups and relevant contact details, phone us on 1800 644 189 or email pqi@parkinsonsqld.org.au.

*If enquiring with our Support Groups directly, please remember it may take some time for people with Parkinson’s to answer the phone.

NB: While members may discuss their experiences of Parkinson’s during meetings, it is important to remember that everyone has different symptoms and will respond differently to treatments. Professional advice should be sought before altering any treatment.

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