
Neurological Alliance Australia seeks commitments for the 2022 Federal Election

Parkinson’s Queensland, through its membership of Parkinson’s Australia, is a member of the Neurological Alliance Australia (NAA), and together with the other members of the NAA, we have asked all federal parties (incumbents and candidates) plus independent candidates to make a commitment to each of the four objectives in the 2022 Election Commitments document that will make significant improvements for the nearly 1.6 million Australians who live with a progressive neurological or neuromuscular disease, their families, carers and friends. 

The NAA has estimated that these diseases have an annual cost to the Australian economy of over $36 billion and that around 15% of NDIS Participants have a progressive neurological or neuromuscular condition. 

Every Australian knows or has a loved one with one of these debilitating diseases. You can help us by also lobbying your local Federal candidates seeking election (or reelection) by writing to them today (or better still if you have the opportunity, speak to them!) and ask them if they will commit to the following objectives for all Australians who have a progressive neurological or neuromuscular condition:

  • Invest in funding for medical research
  • End age discrimination for NDIS eligibility
  • Strengthen the NDIS
  • Ensure equal access to assistive technology

Read the full NAA Election Commitments document here – www.parkinsons.org.au/_files/ugd/d5412d_5a53a844c39d4b6a9b0e6c2b0808f4e7.pdf

To find the contact details or list of candidates seeking election, search here – www.aec.gov.au/election/candidates.htm

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