
Improving Postural Stability And Reducing Falls Risk In People With Parkinson’s Disease Using Textured Insoles

Improving Postural Stability And Reducing Falls Risk In People With Parkinson’s Disease Using Textured Insoles

You are invited to participate in a study that will improve our understanding of how to prevent falls in older people and people with Parkinson’s disease.

Who is eligible?

  • Community dwelling older people aged 55 to 85 years
  • People with Parkinson’s disease without deep brain stimulation
  • Able to walk without assistance

What does this study involve for me?

  • Some participants will be asked to wear personally fitted insoles for 6 months
  • Keep a diary of your activity, balance and falls
  • Before you start wearing the insoles and after six months, visit the QUT Kelvin Grove campus over a two-day period to participate in balance, walking and nerve function tests.

Are there any risks for me in taking part?
Fatigue during testing and loss of balance or fall during walking assessments Strategies are in place to manage these risks and ensure your safery, such as breaks as required to prevent fatigue

What are the benefits?
You will gain a better understanding of your balance and walking abilities

If you would like to participate or require further information, please contact:
Mr Roger Pegoraro
Phone: 07 3138 6305
Email: r.pegoraro@qut.edu.au

QUT Human Research Ethics Committee, approval number 1300000584.

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